Saturday Adventures

The longer I live in Boston, the more I like it here. When you walk downtown on a weekend, it feels like a smaller version of New York, and I like that.

This morning’s errands included going to Borders to pick up a book to read on my way to Philly this Tuesday. I have five hours on the train to kill. I will also have my Treo and a laptop equipped with an EV-DO card. But I’ll have some downtime to kill, also.

I also went to South Station to pick up my tickets. I could have done it right before departure, but this is one of those times where I like to be anal-retentive. God forbid I’m running late on Tuesday, but that’s one less thing to disrupt my trip.

When I got home, I realized the TV was on. No big deal, right? Well, I was in the bedroom doing some net surfing only to see my network connection go down. That’s when I realized the TV had gone dark, too. So I called Comcast. I knew it wasn’t a billing issue since I paid my bill last week. (Note to self: Pay Cingular) The chick on the phone had me jumping through hoops, and after fifteen minutes determined that there was nothing she could on and that a repair call was in order. No sooner did I get off the phone did my cable come back on. No kidding.

While I was on the phone with Comcast, I did something I haven’t done all summer. I opened the windows in my apartment.  The AC wasn’t running anyway, just the fans. But my apartment needs a good airing out.

All of these little “errands” have kept me away from today’s mission: cleaning. I would be horrified if anyone came into my apartment right now. It’s that dirty.

Categorized as Boston