Dear Boston

Hi. I’m Mike, and I’ve lived in this fine city less than a year. Boston is rich in American history. I understand this much. 

What I don’t understand is your fascination with fireworks. In my drive home from Salem tonight, I can’t tell you how many fireworks displays I witnessed. Fireworks are nice, I guess. But they’re loud, and they make my Pug bark. He doesn’t bark at much of anything, including the gunshots when we lived in Dorchester.

Not only that, but it’s 10:45 and I need to be up shortly before 6:00 AM tomorrow to do my part in keeping the economy of this great city moving. Unfortunately, I’m being kept awake by the sounds of the fireworks displays still going. Can we keep the fireworks limited to more reasonable hours, please?

Finally, can we keep the fireworks away from the approach paths into Logan? As crazy as this sounds, nothing would suck more than fireworks hitting an American Airlines 757, causing it to crash. Plane crashes are bad. Senseless crashes caused by fireworks would be worse.

Fireworks make me nervous. I don’t bark much, either.

Categorized as Boston