Yelling back

Ever have one of those days? Today would be one of them.

Our helpdesk got a call from the coworker from hell today. This woman is impossible to deal with. She almost made one of the women on our helpdesk cry. At that point, the caller refused to talk to our helpdesk tech anymore and demanded to talk to a specialist. I was getting pissed just listening to this, so I offered to take it.  In retrospect, I’m glad I did. She continued to be nasty to me, and knowing that I have a short fuse at times, it took every part of my being to not yell back.  She finally got pissed, rebooted and hung up on me. Needless to say, I was livid. A short time later, I was sitting in my boss’ office.  My boss actually yelled at me. Well, he demonstrated how you have to yell back at this particular woman. He wasn’t actually yelling AT me. You see, once you yell back, this woman tends to back down. Then he went to go see her boss.  My boss is pretty awesome in that regard.

At the gym, Mary kicked my ass as usual. She’s pretty awesome.

Our helpdesk is pretty short staffed at the moment. One is away on a school trip, and two more are away due to family emergencies. One more leaves for vacation early in the morning. It’s going to be an interesting few days.

I have zero plans for the weekend. This is a good thing.

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