
I got my new laptop at work today. It’s an IBM Thinkpad T43 with the fingerprint recognition scanner. At first, I was dead set against storing my biometric info on a computer.  But now that I’ve done it, it’s really fucking cool. I don’t have to remember my password. All I have to do is scan my thumbprint.

I went to the dentist today. So far, no new cavities. That’s really good news when you consider that I haven’t been to a dentist in over a year and that my teeth are really soft.

Tonight was a going away party for a coworker. She’ll be missed. We all drank too much. If anyone had any doubts about my being gay, they don’t anymore. Some of us were talking about what turns us on. Jeff said something about a hot girl in a truck. My thing is a tattooed guy in a jeep.

I’ve been chatting online with a guy named Chris. He’s cute and has a good haircut. We chatted on the phone briefly tonight. He’ll be calling me back shortly. Hopefully, we’ll be meeting this weekend.

My apartment is really hot right now. Poor Reggie is panting like it’s the middle of August. I’m just glad I can open windows.

I think the new site is up and running reasonably well. I still have a few kinks with Reggie’s site, but other than that I’m golden. The new hosting provider seems to be much better. In the next few months, I’ll probably upgrade my EE license. Today, I added the google AdSense code to most of my templates. It doesn’t bring in a ton of money, but a few bucks a month makes a difference. \

I was going to go to the RI DMV tomorrow, but I think I’ll put that off until next week. I found the title to my car, which means that can be pushed through tomorrow at the MA DMV. I should just make the trip to Pawtuckett and get it over with. The problem is that our office is closing tomorrow at 2:00 PM and I don’t want to be out of the office all day.