Fun morning

If you’re looking for Reggie’s blog, I’m having some trouble getting it up on the new hosting provider. Honestly, I haven’t invested the time in getting it up and running yet. I may have to ask for Paul’s help this weekend.

Yesterday, I went to the DMV to get my new driver’s license and to get my car registered. If I don’t get it registered, they’ll cancel my insurance. Well, I forgot to take my social security card and my passport, so I had to go back this morning. Well, they can’t transfer my license from Rhode Island because I’ve had it less than two years, meaning they need a copy of my driving record. I can request it from the RI DMV, and they’ll mail it to me eventually. I need this before next week. That means I’m driving down to Pawtuckett tomorrow morning. I’d go today, but I have to go to the dentist this afternoon. This is just craziness. Why can’t things just work? In the day of electronic everything, why do they need a paper copy of my driving record from a bordering state. One would think this could be done electronically.

My morning gets better. Last night, I was looking at my bank account online and noticed that my car payment check had gone through and then been returned. I have no idea why it would be returned. There was enough money in the account to pay this check several times over. I stopped at my bank and talked to the assistant branch manager. Heather is just as baffled as I am. The odd thing is that they didn’t charge me a returned check fee. She spent 30 minutes on the phone trying to get an answer, and the best thing she got was to see if it gets presented again in the next few days.