Cards done

Part of my job is to identify and automate tasks that require manual labor and could benefit from automation. Having said that, there are just some things that are best left to be done the old fashioned way. Tonight, I finished most of my Christmas cards. The envelopes were hand-written without the use of a printer or labels. Each card was hand signed and included a picture of Reggie and me.  That said, I did include a generic letter to my friends and family telling them what’s been going on the past year. Those were printed on a later printer and stuffed into the cards.

I just like people knowing that I took a few minutes to think about them while I made out the cards, all 30 of them. I don’t think that’s such a bad thing.

I have this box of Christmas cards that I pull out every year. I keep the extras in it and take from that when need be. I always seem to buy too many cards the day after Christmas and then forget about this box and buy more right around Thanksgiving. This year was no exception. This year, I did need to pull from the box because I didn’t buy enough. As I was going through the box, I found a whole package of ‘Happy Hanukkah’ cards. Why in the world did I buy those? When I bought that package, I don’t think I had any Jewish friends.