
I’m feeling really down today. I didn’t get the apartment I had, and I didn’t get the puppy I really wanted. How much more disappointment must I endure? Things had been going really well and then all of the sudden, the flood gates opened. I need to do something. I just feel really helpless right… Continue reading Down


It’s back to Petco to return the few puppy toys. 🙁

No Dax

The guy with the puppy just called me back. He really sounds concerned about little Oscar. In fact, he said he wanted to find someone locally so the dog didn’t have to face a long car ride. It sounds like this guy really is looking after the dog’s welfare. He is introducing the pug to… Continue reading No Dax

Puppy toys

I picked up a few things today, just in case I get the puppy. The only thing that can’t be returned is his little tag, and that was only $7.


I called “John” in Richmond, VA this morning and left a message. Hopefully he’ll call me back later today. If all goes well, I will be going down there to get the little pug this weekend. It’ll be a long trip back, but it’ll be SO worth it. Amtrak is probably the way to go.


There might be a pug puppy in my future after all.  Through the folks at Pug Village, I’ve heard of a black pug puppy being given up for adoption in Richmond. That’s 18 hours in the car to get the bugger, but he’ll be worth it. Lets see what turns up this week.


The new version of Movable Type allows for more plugins, and I’ve installed the blogroll plugin. There are tons of links that need to be populated. You’ll find them in the right column toward the bottom.

Valid XML

I’ve been having trouble with Bloglines reading my RSS feeds. I had to tweak the XML templates, but I think everything should start working again shortly. Somebody remind me again why I like working in technology?

MT 3.2

I’ve just upgraded my site engine to Movable Type 3.2. I hope this will correct a problem I’m having with some RSS feeds.

Commander in Chief

Tonight, ABC premiered their new show, “Commander in Chief.” The West Wing, this is not. But I’m hooked.