Chick Flick

This is one of those times that demonstrates that I’m so fucking gay. I’m sitting on the couch with the dogs, about to watch The Notebook. I saw it in the theater when it came out and cried my eyes out. I’m such a sucker for a good chick flick.

It was a pretty quiet day here. I had the dogs on the beach at 7:00 this morning. That was fun. They got to run because there was nobody else out there.

After over a week, I talked to Steve today. I was headed into Boston and the T was a zoo. That’s because there was a game at Fenway. So I texted him and he called me back. He was pretty drunk. We’ll talk later.

Actually, before the movie starts, maybe I’ll take the dogs out. I’m not sure, though. Brutus is snoring, and it’s SO cute.

For those of you in New Orleans, I wish you well. But come on, who the hell lives in a city below sea level?