100 Things About Me

1. My favorite ice cream is Godivaís Vanilla with Chocolate Caramel Hearts 2. I currently own three computers, one desktop, one laptop, and one non-functioning laptop. 3. Iíve owned six digital cameras. I currently have two of them. 4. Iíve been in the following countries: Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, and New Zealand. 5.… Continue reading 100 Things About Me

Reunion Survival

So I survived the family reunion. It was almost tolerable. Let me give you an example of how narrow these people can be. I was sitting in the hospital waiting room last week with some of my dad’s sisters while others were in visiting with my aunt who is ill. This young woman was sitting… Continue reading Reunion Survival

Family Reunion

Today is my dad’s family reunion. I really don’t want to go. Since my aunt has been in the hospital, I’ve seen a lot of these people already. I don’t mind seeing them once a year at Thanksgiving. But seeing some of them as much as five or six times in the past two weeks… Continue reading Family Reunion

The shirt…

I bought this shirt a while back. It cracks me up. You can order it here.


It looks like I’m going to be attending the ROP BBQ. And I’m going to get to meet that sweet guy. Details soon.


I had my second interview today. I’m not sure how it went, though. I usually know, but this time, I just wasn’t sure.


I didn’t get the job. At least not yet. I have to go back tomorrow for a second interview. They were a little concerned that I might be too high energy of a perosn for the job. Sheesh… This is the second night that I’ve got to talk to Frank on the phone. What a… Continue reading (untitled)


I got my hair cut yesterday. It’s not quite as short as I would have liked, but its not bad. It’ll do until I know I have the job.

I think I got it…

The job, that is. It went really well. I uttered three words that got the interviewer’s attention: SARA Title III. If you actually know what that is, you have my sympathies. But its something of a bonus to the client. I’ll hopefully know on Wednesday. On evening number six, I got to hear his voice.… Continue reading I think I got it…

Off I go…

I must be bored. I’ve never posted so much before. I really need to go back to work. On that note, I’m off to my interview. I clean up reasonably well, don’t I? The account manager for this client told me I should dress ‘business formal’ for this interview. Once I put on the jacket,… Continue reading Off I go…